Monday, January 18, 2010

Squat Squat Squat Squat

"If the weight room is not equipped with chalk, bring your own. If the gym complains, change gyms." (Rippetoe, Kilgore, 2007)

Last week was an abundance on information. I refocused on proper form, brought my squat to the proper squat depth; which is the acetabulum bellow the top of the patella; learned much more vocabulary and had a few lessons in human anatomy. If you are unsure about the form and technique read "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe and Lon Kilgore.

Time to get big and strong. Performing the low bar squat properly is going to bring in the entire body. The misconception is that you are doing "leg day" THIS IS WRONG!! "Leg day" is for people that do not understand the squat and what it will offer the entire body through physical and central nervous system strength. Because of all the components involved with performing the low bar squat the brain has to fire through the CNS all at once. This will exercise the CNS therefore strengthening it. Understanding that the low bar squat will work your entire posterior and anterior chain evenly from head toe is something that most people do not understand. This is another reason why it is important to balance knowledge and strength. One without the other will leave you only half as strong.

I am going to start squatting no less then two times a week. Once again my goal is to strengthen my power clean, deadlift, and squat. If this isn't your goal I would still advise that you do squats two times a week. Also check out Tim Favreau's understanding of using a belt.

Squat 5x3
Deadlift 5x1

What the girls did:
400 meter run
5 burpies
5 rounds

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