Thursday, January 21, 2010

2nd Day of Squats

Another Great day to push hard!! I squat two times in a week. Each time I squat I increase the weight 5 lbs. This means that every month I increase my squat by 20. Think about that for a second...... In a year I will have increased my squat strength by 240 lbs. with perfect form. Now, all of that sounds great, but as the weight starts to increase significantly I will have to start using a 1 pound increase. Right now I am working with 235-240 lbs. I imagine that I will have to slow down with my weight increase of 5lbs. to 1 pound around the 285-290 lbs range. This is all hypothetical. I could blow past that number or I could hit a wall sooner then I think. Their are a lot of factors that will play into my training. This brings me to Tim Favreau. On his website he mentioned meso-cycle. I had no clue what this meant so I looked it up. There are meso, macro, and microcycles in a training style called Periodization training. Today is the first day that I have researched or read anything on this type of training style. I'm very excited to learn more about it. For right now I am in one through the training that Favre has created.

In earlier blogs I have mentioned how important knowledge is. I could follow Favre the rest of my lifting life and become very strong without ever reading a single paragraph about strength. This is not my goal and I would encourage you to look into the programing that you take on. Too many people follow training programs blindly. P90X, Crossfit, Tony Little Gazelle freestyle elliptical training, etc. When you take on a training program you are going to work you body; the only one you've got. I would want to make sure that the person that you are training under is not going to screw you up. Slipped discs, rotator cuff injury, knee problems, the list goes on. Ask yourself: What are your goals?, How are you going to achieve them?, Why is this training program the best for me?, Is my trainer credible? This will take research therefore creating more knowledge. This will get you to achieving your goals without wasting your time in some training program that is not going to ultimately benefit you.

Squat 5x3
Press 5x3
3 rounds of max pull-ups

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