Monday, February 22, 2010


Today felt extremely heavy. It was my normal 5lbs. increase. After squatting I went and weighed myself. Lost 4 pounds. This would explain one of the reasons it felt heavier. I also could be reaching the point where I will start increasing by 2lbs. each squat day, not 5lbs. I will find out thursday. Until then I will be grazing.

5x3 Squats
5x3 Press
3 rounds max pull ups


  1. i dont like his squat. acetabulum is not even or below top of patella. WRONG.

  2. The 3rd and 6th ones were. This is one of the reasons why I like Jim Wendler. He doesn't care. He does what he want, how he wants. The fact is he is squatting 525lbs. as if it is just the bar. When I start squatting that much weight I'll start critiquing him.
