Monday, February 15, 2010


I've been lifting for about 5 years now and just today started video taping myself. If you do not have a coach watching every lift you have to tape yourself. This will allow you to find your faults. Just after watching my first set of squats it showed that I wasn't going as deep as I thought that I was. I definitely was not high, but it wasn't the depth that in my mind I was reaching.

I am still moving my weight up 5 pounds every squat day. It always seems more intimidating then it actually is. The weight never seems light, just consistently heavy. For example, Jan. 14 I was squatting 225lbs. A month later I am squatting 270lbs. This thursday will be 275lbs. That's a 50lbs. increase in about a month; but each squat day does not seem any heavier then the last, just consistently heavy. This is for a couple different reasons. First, I have a great lifting program that I follow by Tim Favreau. Second, I shove as much milk, triple cheese burgers, pounds of salmon/meat in general into my face every chance I get. I am still a novice lifter, lifting a novice amount of weight. The goals that I have will take time to achieve.

5x3 Squats
5x3 Press
3 rounds max pull ups


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