Thursday, February 18, 2010

Burger King

Alright, so I'm on the road to gaining a 200lbs. body. How do you do this? For someone that sits on the couch all day that has no physical output whatsoever, this is something that is easy to come by. Me on the other hand, not so much. Eat Eat Eat; when I'm not lifting I'm eating. This is very costly and right now I'm not in the financial position to spend my non-existent paycheck on all the meat/groceries that I want to be eating. What does this mean...... BURGER KING. Come to find out that eating all that meets the eye is expensive wherever you go. Triple Whopper with cheese "Value" meal cost about 8 bucks, and it tastes like shit. I know what your thinking..... "it's Burger King, why would you think your getting a good meal." Lets look at the positives. The "burger" alone contained 71 grams of protein and 1200 calories. It has a surprisingly low amount of sodium to what I was thinking it would have; it is 1380mg. I was thinking in the 2000+ category. Anyways, the positives do not ultimately out weigh the negatives. Negatives consist of being way over priced for what you receive and it tastes absolutely horrible. If you're going to eat a completely unhealthy meal it should taste amazing..... this did not.

5x3 Squats
5x3 Press
3 rounds max pull ups

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