Friday, March 12, 2010

People that are better then you

Watching videos on YouTube or reading articles about some kid that is under 18, lifting a significant amount of weight more then what you can lift can be very frustrating. It poses the question.... "What am I not doing right?" There are a couple things these little bastards might have that someone like myself might not. Natural ability, better training, may have been lifting longer, etc. Nevertheless it can be very annoying and make you feel like a girly man. At the same time it pushes me mentally to get to that level. As mentioned in earlier posts, lifting is something that should last life long, so why be in such a hurry. Keeping consistency is key. I'm weighing in at 200lbs. and my lifts have grow significantly in the last month or so. This does not mean that when I compare myself to my approximately 200lbs. couch in Wyoming that I will be able to lift the amount that he can. Time and knowledge is the key point here. Favre has been lifting for 10+ years and has a couple personal training certificates and has attended several lifting seminars. A person like this is not what gets under my skin. It makes perfect sense why he is lifting an outstanding amount of weight. Its these crazy young athletic kids that blow me away. It is frustrating and motivating at the same time. Patience is key.

Training: (I say training but I'm not really training for anything because I'm not competing. My goal is to compete. Competitions build motivation to train harder and with a purpose.)

Squat 5 reps x 3 sets
Bench 5x3
Deadlift 1x5

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