Friday, August 20, 2010

Rest Week!!

Today is my last workout until I take my monthly week off. As mentioned in last post I read Jim Wendler's "5/3/1" book and it has inspired me. The training intensity that I am on right now is awesome, but only for a short amount of time. Wendler emphasizes a life long lifting mentality; not, do something for 90 days and quit. Apart of his program requires me to find my one rep max on Squat, Bench, and Deadlift. It's been about 6 months or so since I did a DL 1RM and performed outstanding, but I don't like doing them very often. It takes A LOT out of you, at least it did for me. The answer; Wendler came up with a simple program of finding a hypothetical 1 RM that is not absolutely accurate but will help you find a good number to start with without actually doing a 1 RM. This is what I did this week with my Squat, Bench, and today Deadlift. After today I will take a week off by performing active rest and then start Wendlers 5/3/1 program the following monday. The program that I made and have been doing the last 6 months has been awesome. I am not psychologically or physically burnt out and my numbers are going up consistently. I don't want to push it to that point where I'm overtrained and have to do longer recovery. So I'm changing it up while I'm still in the green and will hit up 5/3/1 for 6 months or so and see where I'm at.

What I did this week:
Squat 270lbs max reps, Got 10
Bench 190lbs. max reps, Got 10
Deadlift 360lbs. max reps Got 6 (Disappointed with this number, goal was 8)

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