Wednesday, May 26, 2010


"It is important that the total caloric content of the diet be at least equal to, but preferably greater than, the total caloric expenditure of the training day. Matching intake to expenditure will maintain fitness and strength but will not support maximal fitness gain. A caloric surplus is needed to drive progress. If we simply pay back the energy used during exercise and daily activities, we are not providing the extra energy required to homeostatic recovery and adaptation through muscle mass increase. To get stronger and more fit we need to consume somewhere around 200 to 400 calories more energy than we expend. This is a relatively small caloric excess, and much more than this should be avoided, since a huge caloric surplus can and will be stored as fat." (Rippetoe, Kilgore, Pendlay 2008)

I make sure all of my meals consist primarily of protein, and I try to get in as many vegetables as I can. What calories I miss out on at the end of the day are made up for by a big bowl of ice cream before I go to bed, along with a tall glass of whole milk.

3x3 Power Clean and Jerk
4x400 meter sprints
1 minute rest between each sprint

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